Cat shows in SA run from February to November, click the link below for the current show calendar. Our Ocicats are registered and shown with the Feline Association of South Australia (FASA)
As show results are recorded on the FASA site we will only list our end of year results on this page
(Click Any Photo to Enlarge!)
About cat shows...
Cat shows are open to registered pedigree cats, and also moggies/domestic cats.
It’s important you let your breeder know if you are interested in showing, so the right kitten can be selected and the registration correct (kittens are registered for breeding, show neuter or pet). Not every kitten is suitable for showing, they need to meet the written standard for their breed. This means the eye shape & placement, ear size & placement, correct body length, for patterned cats such as Ocicats the placement of the spots and their coat contrast is important.
Group 1 cats are mostly longhaired breeds, Group 2 is for Siamese & Oriental, Group 3 are mostly shorthaired breeds, Group 4 unpedigreed companion cats.
On the day of the show, it’s an early start and cats are checked by a vet on their way in. We bring our own show cages in SA, and they are set up with show curtains & a cushion base to compliment the cats coat or eye colour. The cages are benched in a U shaped bay, all adult cats together, all desexed cats together and all kittens together. Once your cat is settled in the cage, take a seat to watch the judging.
Cats are judged in alphabetical order, for group 3 this starts with Abyssinians and ends with Sphynx. A steward will remove the cat and present it to the judge stretched out to view the body & pattern or coat colour. The judge will then place the cat on a table and thoroughly look over each exhibit, often playing with a teaser to view better angles. Cats are judged against their own breed first, then against all the other breeds for a coveted Top 5 group placing. Remember, no matter the awards on the day, we always take home the best cat!
FASA End of Year results 2019
Best Ocicat entire – CCCA Champion, Jade Gold Double Grand Champion Chezami Azazel (NZ) Best Ocicat neuter – Opal Gold Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar Best Ocicat kitten – Zayenah Sarafina
Best Ocicat entire – CCCA Champion, Jade Gold Double Grand Champion Chezami Azazel (NZ)
Best Ocicat neuter – Opal Gold Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar
Best Ocicat kitten – Zayenah Sarafina
FASA End of Year results 2018
Amazing results this year with CCCA Champion, Jade Gold Double Grand Champion Chezami Azazel (NZ) winning group 3 cat of the year again, for the 2nd year in a row. (group 3 is an all shorthair breeds except Orientals) Azazel (chocolate spotted) also won Best Ocicat entire of the year. Amethyst Gold Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar (tawny spotted) has won Best Ocicat neuter of the year. Zayenah Blueberry Dream (blue spotted silver) has won Best Ocicat kitten of the year.
CCCA CH, Amethyst GDGCH Chezami Azazel (NZ)
chocolate spotted male
Amethyst GDGCH Zayenah Real Sugar – tawny spotted male neuter
Zayenah Blueberry Dream – blue spotted silver female kitten
We also showed the following cats with wonderful results in group and breed, charming the judges with their stunning looks and sweet personalities.
– Double Grand Champion Zayenah Stars Collide (cinnamon spotted silver) – Double Grand Champion Zayenah Honey Truffle (chocolate spotted) – Grand Champion Vilas’ Livius van Zebdaj (NL) (Blue spotted silver) – Zayenah Logan (chocolate spotted kitten) – Zayenah Just Like Fire (chocolate spotted silver kitten) – Zayenah Escapade (black spotted silver kitten)
FASA End of Year results 2017
Very exciting news for our FASA end of year results!
CCCA Champion, Gold Double Grand Champion Chezami Azazel has won best group 3 entire of the year. Group 3 is all short hair breeds except Orientals, a big class of outstanding cats to compete against. Azazel also won best Ocicat entire of the year. Amethyst Gold Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar has won best Ocicat neuter of the year. Zayenah Stars Collide has won best Ocicat kitten of the year. We showed 6 Ocicats this year and are so proud of our cats, they’ve had some lovely compliments from judges on their temperaments and type.
Amethyst Gold Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar –
(tawny spotted)
Zayenah Stars Collide –
(cinnamon silver spotted)
FASA End of Year results 2016
Best Ocicat entire – Chezami Azazel Best Ocicat neuter – Zayenah Real Sugar Best Ocicat kitten – Zayenah Sugar Rush
FASA End of Year results 2015
Best Ocicat entire – Double Grand Champion Zayenah Purrfection Reserve Ocicat entire – Grand Champion Zayenah Peekaboo Best Ocicat neuter – Silver Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar & 8th best group 3 neuter Best Ocicat kitten – Chezami Azazel & 6th best group 3 kitten Reserve Ocicat kitten Zayenah Peekaboo
FASA End of Year results 2014
Best Ocicat exhibit – Double Grand Champion Zayenah Real Sugar
FASA End of Year results 2013
Best Ocicat kitten and best Ocicat entire –
Grand champion Zayenah Heavenly Magic
FASA End of Year results 2012
Best Ocicat kitten and best Ocicat entire –
Grand champion Zayenah Heavenly Magic
Best Ocicat kitten Zayenah Quixote Malachai (now shown in NSW by his owners) a black spotted silver boy
FASA End of Year results 2011
Best Ocicat kitten and best Ocicat entire –
Grand champion Zayenah Heavenly Magic
FASA End of Year results 2010
Best Ocicat exhibit Double Grand Champion Ozspots Satin Mousse
& GCCFSA Ocicat of the year
FASA End of Year results 2009
Best Ocicat exhibit Double Grand Champion Ozspots Satin Mousse
& GCCFSA Ocicat of the year