Zayenah Ocicats Australia – Ocicat kittens available Australia

Price for our desexed Ocicat kittens or show neuter kittens: $2500
Kittens available Australia wide and world wide

Please contact for prices on our breeding cats

*Please note: We do not sell breeding cats within Australia, international enquiries will be considered

Join our waiting list
for our next litters to adopt your Ocicat kitten

Current Litters

Callie and Tusse welcomed 4 spotted beauties on September 10th 2024.
(all adopted)
Click here to watch them grow with weekly photos

Upcoming litters

Zayenah Coco Curlicue
Grand Champion Vilas’ Livius Van Zebdaj (Imp NL)
Due December 21st 2024
Possible kitten colours: tawny spotted, chocolate spotted, black spotted silver, chocolate spotted silver